[ACM TOSN'25] Extremely Low-resolution RFID Vision for Real-time and Visually-anonymized Action Recognition (Fast Track)
[ACM MobiSys'24] SuperSight: Sub-cm NLOS Localization for mmWave Backscatter (Best Paper Award)
[USENIX NSDI'24] NR-Surface: NextG-ready µW-reconfigurable mmWave Metasurface
[USENIX NSDI'24] mmComb: High-speed mmWave Commodity WiFi Backscatter
[ACM GetMobile'24] OmniScatter: Extreme Sensitivity mmWave Backscattering Using Commodity FMCW Radar
[ACM MobiSys'23] Hawkeye: Hectometer-range Subcentimeter Localization for Large-scale mmWave Backscatter (Best Paper Finalist)
[ACM/IEEE IPSN'23] Mosaic: Extremely Low-resolution RFID Vision for Visually-anonymized Action Recognition (Outstanding Paper Award by Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea)
[ACM MobiSys'23 Poster] Poster: Submillimeter Localization for mmWave Backscatter Using Commodity 77 GHz Radar
[ACM MobiSys'22] OmniScatter: Extreme Sensitivity mmWave Backscattering Using Commodity FMCW Radar (Best Paper Award, SIGMOBILE Research Highlight)
[paper] [video(short)] [video(long)] [SIGMOBILE Research Highlight]
[ACM CoNEXT'22] Co-optimizing for Flow Completion Time in Radio Access Network (Best Paper Finalist)
[ACM SenSys'20] X-MIMO: Cross-Technology Multi-User MIMO
[paper] [video(short)] [Cross-technology Channel Estimation Tool]
[ACM MobiCom'20] SDR Receiver Using Commodity WiFi via Physical-Layer Signal Reconstruction
[ACM MobiSys'20] Gateway over the Air: Towards Pervasive Internet Connectivity for Commodity IoT
[IEEE ICDCS'20] SafetyNet: Interference Protection via Transparent PHY Layer Coding
[ACM WinTech'20] On the Feasibility of Millimeter-wave Backscatter using Commodity 802.11ad 60 GHz Radios
[USENIX Security'19] Hiding in Plain Signal: Physical Signal Overshadowing Attack on LTE
[IEEE TMC'19] Networking Support For Bidirectional Cross-Technology Communication
[IEEE/ACM ToN'19] Boosting the Bitrate of Cross-Technology Communication on Commodity IoT Devices
[ACM MobiSys'19 Poster] Poster: Gas Sensing with COTS RFID Devices
[ACM SenSys'18] Exploiting WiFi Guard Band for Safeguarded ZigBee
[ACM MobiCom'18] Achieving Receiver-Side Cross-Technology Communication with Cross-Decoding,
[IEEE ICDCS'18] Symbol-level Cross-technology Communication via Payload Encoding (Best Paper Award)
[ACM MobiSys'18] Explicit Channel Coordination via Cross-technology Communication
[IEEE TCOMM'18] Concurrent Transmission Aware Routing in Wireless Networks
[ACM SenSys'18 Demo] Demo Abstract: Safeguarded ZigBee via WiFi Guard Band
[ACM SenSys'17] BlueBee: a 10,000x Faster Cross-Technology Communication
[IEEE INFOCOM'17] C-Morse: Cross-Technology Communication with Transparent Morse Coding
[IEEE INFOCOM'17] Transparent Cross-technology Communication over Data Traffic
[IEEE/ACM ToN'17] Free Side-channel Cross-technology Communication in Wireless Networks
[IEEE/ACM ToN'17] Exploiting Spatiotemporal Correlation for Wireless Networks under Interference
[ACM TOSN'17] Encode When Necessary: Correlated Network Coding under Unreliable Wireless Links
[IEEE TWC'16] A Unified Metric for Correlated Diversity in Wireless Networks
[IEEE RTCSA '16] IoT Networking: From Coexistence to Collaboration
[ACM SenSys'16 Poster] Poster Abstract: Side Channel Communication over Wireless Traffic: A CTC Design
[Springer Wireless Networks'16] SALA: Smartphone-Assisted Localization Algorithm for Positioning Indoor IoT Devices
[ACM MobiCom'15] FreeBee: Cross-technology Communication via Free Side-channel
[ACM SenSys'15] cETX: Incorporating Spatiotemporal Correlation for Better Wireless Networking
[IEEE INFOCOM'15] Exploiting Causes and Effects of Wireless Link Correlation for Better Performance
[IEEE/ACM ToN'15] CorLayer: A Transparent Link Correlation Layer for Energy Efficient Broadcast
[IEEE TWC'15] Link-Correlation-Aware Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Networks
[IEEE ICNP'14] Correlated Coding: Efficient Network Coding under Correlated Unreliable Wireless Links
[ACM MobiCom'13] Corlayer: A transparent link correlation layer for energy efficient broadcast
[IEEE INFOCOM'13] PSR: Practical Synchronous Rendezvous in Low-duty-cycle Wireless Networks
[IEEE INFOCOM'12 Mini] Link Correlation Aware Opportunistic Routing
[IEEE ICNP'11] Correlated Flooding in Low-Duty-Cycle Wireless Sensor Networks
[IEICE TCOMM] Self-Construction of Aggregation Tree for Gathering Mobile Data in Wireless Sensor Network
[KEEE Journal] Reader Collision Avoidance Scheme for Mobile RFID-Sensor Integrated Networks
[ACM/IEEE IPSN'08 Demo] Demonstration of Location Information Based Network