
EE595 Mobile Computing and Systems for Intelligent Living (F '21)

Mobile computing and wireless networking have become an essential part of our daily lives. In this advanced, research-oriented course, we study the various research aspects that enable intelligent mobile computing; wireless connectivity, network architectures, protocols, systems, services, applications, security, privacy, and machine learning. Students will design class projects that develop interesting mobile applications or IoT services. EE323 and EE202 are strongly encouraged but are not required prerequisites. Proficiency in programming is expected. Check out some cool projects from Fall 2021!

EE414 Embedded Systems (S '22, S '21, F '19)

In this lecture, various hardware and software components and system implementation aspects of embedded systems are discussed. This course comprehensively covers topics including peripheral design and control, digital and analog interfacing, network connectivity, and popular sensors and actuators for interaction with the real world. Hands-on labs are designed to provide firm understandings, with the goal to build your own smartwatch using the latest Arm core Arduino platform (Arduino NANO 33 BLE Sense). This course aims at (1) Acquiring basic knowledge on the core HW/SW components of embedded systems (2) Acquiring a skillset to implement your own embedded system (3) Your first step to building a smarter world!

Spring '22 departmental teaching award (Evaluation 4.75/5) Thanks to hard-working students!

EE323 Computer Networks (S '20, S '19)

EE209 Programming Structure for Electrical Engineering (f '22, F '20)