Super-precision mmWave Backscatter localization

Super Precision


Wide Coverage

Accurate localization of a large number of objects over a wide area is one of the keys to the pervasive interaction with the Internet of Things. Our technique, for the first time, offers over (i) hundred-scale simultaneous 3D localization at (ii) subcentimeter accuracy for over an (iii) hectometer distance. The performance practically applies to indoors and outdoors as well as under mobility. Our custom backscatter consumes only 8.4 microwatts of power – i.e., over 40 years of battery life on a single cell. The tag's Van Atta array design with retro-reflectivity in both elevation and azimuth planes offers 3D localization and effectively suppresses the multipath. Our system is compatible to the commodity FMCW radar with a lightweight signal processing.  It uniquely leverages the interplay between the tag signal and clutter to boost the signal quality by six orders of magnitude, and leverages the signal spectral leakage for fine-grained positioning. 

Tool Release (Cite this tool)

Hawkeye Hardware Design and Localization Tool can be found at this link.

This tool is the artifact for "Hawkeye: Hectometer-range Subcentimeter Localization for Large-scale mmWave Backscatter". HFSS Hawkeye tag design file, as well as MATLAB super-resolution algorithm, are provided.

Hawkeye Tag

A 24GHz retro-reflective custom backscatter. The PCB-fabricated tag requires only 16 PIN diodes, achieving low-cost and low-power consumption.

Hawkeye Localization

Super-resolution is achieved by a lightweight signal processing, without any hardware modification. It is compatible with commodity radar (EVAL-TinyRad). 


Kang Min Bae*, Hankyeol Moon*, Song Min Kim (*: equal contribution), The 22nd ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, (Acceptance Rate 43/263 = 16.3%)
Kang Min Bae, Namjo Ahn, Yoon Chae, Parth Pathak, SungMin Sohn, Song Min Kim, ACM GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications 27 (4), 26-30, Jan. 2024, (Invited)[paper]
Kang Min Bae*, Hankyeol Moon*, Sung-Min Sohn, Shin, Song Min Kim (*: equal contribution),  TThe 21st ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, (Acceptance Rate 41/198 = 20.7%)[paper]
       Kang Min Bae, Hankyeol Moon, and Song Min Kim, Proceedings of the  21th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services  
Kang Min Bae, Namjo Ahn, Yoon Chae, Parth Pathak, SungMin Sohn, Song Min Kim,  The 20th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, (Acceptance Rate 38/176 = 21.6%)
[paper] [video(short)] [video(long)] [SIGMOBILE Research Highlight]


Kang Min Bae
PhD + MS Joint Program

Hankyeol Moon
PhD + MS Joint Program

Haksun Son
PhD + MS Joint Program

Geonha Park
PhD Program

Geonung Lee
MS Program